GenesandStitches is committed to offering you the best hats, in high-quality fabrics, different colours and designs; you’ll always find something that suits YOUR unique style. Once you find the perfect hat to rep your genes, it's important to retain its quality. Here are some tips to get the most out of your GenesandStitches gear.

Caring for Your Suede Hat

  • Clean it regularly

If you’re wearing suede hats daily, clean it weekly using a soft bristle brush to remove dust and dirt (it's harder to remove if dust accumulates). If there are matted surfaces, you may counter it with an emery cloth. For oily stains, dust it with corn-starch or talcum powder and let the powder absorb the oil.

  • Use a gentle cleaning solution

If you happen to see extra tough stains, spot treat the hat with water and a mild detergent solution. Once done, wipe the stain with a clean damp cloth. Allow your suede hat to air dry and brush right after. Make sure that the hat is entirely dry before you wear it again or before you store it.

  • Use spray-on protector

Invest in a good spray-on protector. Treating your suede hat with a spray-on protector will protect it from excessive staining, repel rain and help retain the suede’s softness and shape

  • Keep it away from liquid

Avoid getting your hat wet. If the inevitable happens, simply shake off the excess water or liquid and let the hat air dry. To prevent it from deforming or shrinking, dry it on a hat form.

  • Mind the nap

The fine fibres you feel standing up on suede are referred to as the nap. To restore and keep the nap in great condition, brush it well using a suede brush. This will remove dust and dirt trapped within the nap